After few years of excellent service your MacMini decided not to turn without any adequate reasons? This is a common problem for the 1.83GhZ (A1176) model and can be considered as a typical failure of this type devices by Apple.

After researching the probem the discovery led to the shortage in the secondary chain of MacMini’s power sypply. Some of the condensers that failed are shown on the photo in red.

Mac mini не включается

It is hard to identify why condensers fail but it is possible to repair them quite easily. For finding a failed condenser you need a power supply that corresponds to 5 Amp with a voltage regulator starting at 0 Volt.

Identification of a failed condenser is done in the following way:
1) Solder a small wire on a positive side of one of the condensers of that chain (shown on the second photo with the plus) and attach a power suplly. Attach the second cable to the USB port (shown with the minus).
2) Slowly rise the voltage and the borken condenser will start to heat up. Look for a heated condenser with your finger.
3) Desolder a broken condenser and check the circuit for any shortages. If everything is ok you can go ahead and turn on your MacMini.

Mac mini not turn on

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  • Lars

    Very good article, thak you!
    I have the same problem with a Mac Mini (late 2009), but I don’t have a regulable power supply to test it. Is possible to test the condensers using a power supply of 5V and 2A?

    • Sergey Koryagin

      if there is a short in that circuit, so yes! you can.

  • Joost van den Broek

    Thank you, great instruction, I’ve fixed my for more than 2 years laying around dead Mac Mini 2008/2009 with this method! In my case a capacitor on the other (upper) side of the board was shorted! Figured out when turning around the board and almost burning my hand on it :-P Great work!

  • bubbajoe13

    Hi, bljv… I was wondering if you know the size of the condensors? Thanks

    • bljv

      I am sorry, but I don’t know. But it does not matter, just desolder a broken capacitor and everything will work. All these capacitors in the same circuit and duplicate each other. Unsolder one capacitor nothing terrible will happen.

  • This did not translate very well. «3) Get rid of a broken condenser». Just exactly what do you mean for me to do? Melt the connection and just remove it? Replace it? Bypass it? Sorry I need just a little more information than «get rid of». Thank you.

    • bljv

      I am sorry for my English. I put some changes to this post. Please, let me know if you need more information.

  • Bruce

    Thank you very much!

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